Friday, March 27, 2009

Green Tea protects against skin cancer

In a study done at the Harlem Hospital Center in New York city, dermatologists found that green tea protects against UVA induced skin damage in mice. A green tea polyphenol extract was applied topically to the mice before they were exposed to light radiation that usually causes redness, inflamation and skin damage including lesions and thickening up to two weeks after the exposure. The green tea extract reduced the inflamation by 70% and the skin thickening by over 90%. And what's more, even when the green tea was topically applied to the skin after the exposure, it still provided "significant protection from skin damage". Even when they added green tea to the drinking water of the mice up to week before the exposure to the UV rays it still protected the mice!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Green Tea and Breast Cancer

A new study shows that women who consumed both green tea and mushrooms on a regular basis had a dramatically lower rate of breast cancer. The study was done in China, a country that only has about a quarter the cancer rate of the US, and was done on thousands of women who had breast cancer. The study found that a woman's chance of getting breast cancer became just %10 of the world average when both mushrooms and green tea were part of her diet on a regular basis. I don't know how much of this was due to the mushrooms and how much was due to the green tea but the fact that something as serious as breast cancer could be so dramatically affected by such low cost items like tea is amazing. If you are interested in quality medicinal mushrooms CLICK HERE FOR MY MUSHROOM STORE
Or to read the full article on green tea, mushrooms and breast cancer- CLICK HERE.
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Green Tea is good for your dental health

A brand new study at the Kyushu University in Japan showed that people who drink green tea daily had much healthier teeth and gums than those who didn't. In fact the scientist in charge of the study said that the overall health of the teeth and gums of the green tea drinkers was "superior" compared to the non green tea drinking control group. The green tea drinkers scored better in three different factors for periodontal health and overall had a much lower rate of periodontal disease. The study linked the anti-oxidant catechin with the improved dental health saying that it is a supreme inflammation fighter and anti-bacterial compound and is resposible for many of the benefits of drinking green tea.
Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Drink Green Tea Everyday

Green tea is beneficial for your body and mind in so many ways that it should be enjoyed every day. Three to four cups are the ideal amount. Green tea has been shown to help you lose weight, fight cavities, benefit the heart, clear the skin, fight cancer, boost the immune system and even improve your mood. So get yourself dsome quality whole leaf green tea and a teapot and add the ancient ritual of tea to your daily routine.

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

Studies prove that green tea is medicinal.

Two studies find that green tea is a powerful medicine on par with over the counter medication.
A new study German study found that green tea is good for the skin . The participants has both black and green teas extracts placed on their skin for a period of a couple weeks. Both groups showed strong anti-imflamation effects and antibacterial qualities but the green tea showed results faster and stronger. So, green tea used topically is a great natural ant-bacterial and can even help with inflammation. this is on top of its ability to fight skin cancer cells.
A new Japanese study showed that people who drank 5 cups or more green tea a day were significantly less likely to die than people who just drank one. this is amazing because the study was done on a huge group of people and the extra longevity was attributed to the green tea and nothing else. So the legend of green teas power to extend life and retain youthfulness are true.

So buy some high quality green teas form the tea temple tea shop and create your own green tea medicinals.
Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

A tour of a green tea farm.

Green tea is still hand harvested in parts of China and Japan. This is a beautiful tour of a working tea plantation in the mountains.
Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

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