Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Green tea protects the brain

In a new Japanese study, consumption of green tea was associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment. The study was done on about a thousand 70 year old Japanese men and women who drank different amounts of green tea. The conclusion? "CONCLUSION: A higher consumption of green tea is associated with a lower prevalence of cognitive impairment in humans."
This is awesome news!
It is the catechins and other polyphenols in green tea that are responsible for the majority of green teas health and protective qualities. All of the high quality loose leaf green teas that I sell here at the Tea Temple have the highest levels of these beneficial green tea compounds found on the Internet, and I hand pick my teas for the best prices. TO VISIT THE TEA TEMPLE TEA SHOP CLICK HERE

Green Tea and the Flu

Green tea should be your daily beverage of choice for so many reasons that it is impossible to list them all. But, a new Japanese study conducted on elderly in a nursing home found that gargling with a catechin extract of green tea significantly reduced that chances of catching the flu. Only one person in the green tea group caught the flu compared to five in the control group. So, in this day and age of germs and colds and killer flu's, those of us that drink our green tea may just be drinking away our problems. LINK TO STUDY HERE All of the high quality loose leaf green teas that I sell here at the tea temple are high in catechins and other polyphenols and antioxidants that protect you from unwanted troubles. So get yourself an ounce of two of your favorite loose leaf green tea and a portable teapot from my teashop and travel in style while you are protected from the elements. VISIT THE TEA SHOP HERE

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Famous Teas of China

You may have heard that the higher the quality of green tea the higher its health benefit. And that turns out to be right. This has been known throughout tea's history and in Ancient China, there was a development of a list of "Famous Teas" from different providences that were known for their superior quality, taste and health benefits.

You may have heard of the Wu-Yi tea that is now being touted all over the Internet as a weight loss miracle, and it is indeed one of the 'famous teas" of ancient china. What you may not know is that all green teas have weight loss properties and that Wu Yi is really an Oolong tea form the Wu Yi province of China. Oolong is a form of semi oxidized tea, somewhere between a green and a black, and in general has less of the polyphenols and catechins that you would find in a high quality green tea. Other 'famous teas' that have great health benefits include Dragon Well, or Lung Ching, which is widely consider the best of the list and which I sell here in its high quality loose leaf form, and Tai Ping Monkey King, a high quality green tea known for its exquisite taste and life enhancing health benefits.
Buy your high quality loose leaf green teas here at the Tea Temple, I have the best selection and best prices on great loose leaf green teas on the Internet.

Green Tea and Prostate Cancer

In a brand new study conducted by a team a researchers in Italy green teas was found to have positive benefits against prostate cancer. The researchers studied a group of men who were at high risk for developing prostate cancer and gave them green tea catechins daily. Only one man out of the 32 studied went on to develop prostate cancer compared to the control group who did not receive the green tea.Green tea was shown to prevent prostate cancer! Green tea catechins are much higher in high quality loose leaf green teas like the kinds I promote here at the tea temple. So, remember if you want the best benefits of green tea as well as the best taste be sure to buy high quality green teas with high catechin levels and drink you green tea on a daily basis.

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