Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Green Tea plus Tai Chi Equals Stronger Bones

It has taken nearly two thousand years for scientists to catch up to what elderly people in many Asian countries have known for years: combining an active lifestyle with daily consumption of green tea will add years to your life. The latest piece of the puzzle to be finally admitted by western science is that the combo of combining green tea and the ancient practice of Tai Chi actualy helps prevent osteoporosis and bone loss.

Reasearchers at the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health at the Texas Tech University Health Science Center found that green tea prevents the breakdown of the bone's micro-architecture. Once agian, it is the powerful polyphenol antioxindents in green tea, which give it both its flavor and its color, that are thought to be responisble for this powerful effect. These antioxidnants prevented inflammation due to oxidative stress, which effective kept them healthy and supple while the practice of Tai Chi improved circulation and bone density. This powerful combo of green tea and Tai Chi is one of the secrets of Asian longevity.

You can read the full study here:

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