Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jasmine Green Tea

One of the most popular ways to add flavor and aroma to green tea in by adding Jasmine flowers. There are several varities of Jasmine Green Tea available on the market, the most common being Jasmine Dragon Pearl, Jasmine Silver Needle, and Jasmine Flower green tea.

Jasmine Dragon Pearl is the most popular of these options and is made by curing the green tea leaves with jasmine petals several times untill the natural essential oil of the jasmine flower is absorbed by the tea leaves. The tea leaves are then rolled into balls, or pearls to preserve them and keep the jasmine scent from dissapating and are then packaged in airtight containers and are ready for sale. Jasmine Dragon Pearl green tea is one of my favorite everyday teas and is available at my tea shop.

Jasmine Silver Needle is made from larger tea leaves and also involves curing the tea in Jasimine blossoms. Jasmine Silver Needle is more expensive and is considered a rare tea.

Jasmine Flower Tea is a beautiful hand crafted tea that contains the blossom of the Jasmine flower within a round ball of tea that actually blooms when you steep it in hot water. This is a great tea for special occaisions and one ball of Jasmine Flower Blooming Tea can serve up to four people.

Other commonly found and sometimes reffered to simply jasmine tea and are usually made of low to common grade tea leaves simply mixed with jasmine petals. Beware, as some low end producers of Jasmine teas use artificial fragrances to scent their jasmine teas.

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